Combining Mindfulness
& Touch Therapy

The intentional informed ‘touch’ of massage therapy blended with an array of mindfulness techniques further boosts the releaseof Oxy tocin, commonly known as the Love hormone, as well as the other two happy hormones Serotonin and Dopamine.

Touch therapy has been proven to lower the hormone cortisol – a key component in our stress response.

Massage/touch therapy within our sessions whether this is Indian head massage, Reflexology or a blend of these sometimes to a story is a valuable element of our nurture sessions, and very popular with our little superhero’s! Not only is this relaxing and calming for the child or carer, but also relieves the symptoms of anxiety, stress and sleeping disorders.

We encourage touch therapy to be used at home with your children, we are always happy to share techniques and ideas to help support your child in all settings.